
Discovering FCC // Feb 23 @ 11:30am

If you're new or if you've been attending here for a while and want to know more about the church such as our beliefs, strategy, structure, and core commitments - we are offering an introductory class on Feb 9th. This class is for those interested in a basic overview and for those who eventually want to pursue membership. It is not a membership class as it's more geared to understanding the church, but is a first step in the process with a second class later on. We will meet after our worship gathering at 11:30am here in the sanctuary and we aim to get you out at 12:30pm before you get too hungry for lunch! If you plan to attend, please RSVP to Pastor Matt.

Evening Song // Feb 25 @ 7:00pm

Evening Song - Join us on February 25th for our next night of singing and prayer together down in our basement. This will be a reoccurring event to meet as a family outside of Sundays to pray and seek God. The theme for this night together will be announced soon.